Today, we celebrate and extend our heartfelt gratitude to Charlie Nusbaum, who will soon conclude his term as Chair of the Board of Directors for the Tidewater Jewish Foundation but will continue serving on our Board. Charlie's dedication and passion have significantly contributed to the perpetuation of endowment giving and inspires future generations to create lasting legacies. His commitment to volunteering and his enthusiasm for our community are truly commendable.
Thank you, Charlie, for your outstanding service and leadership and look forward to continuing our work together in the years to come!
A toast from TJF President and CEO Naomi Limor Sedek:
You were our pinch hitter, when Marty Einhorn, of blessed memory, resigned from the Foundation board and rose to the occasion upon his passing as the Chair elect of the Foundation. We called an audible and based on loyalty to the team and the cause you instinctively said “yes”. I appreciate our friendship and working partnership over the last 4 years.
You took a chance on a rookie like me and jumped in with both feet as we “rowed the boat” of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, its leadership and the community through the strategic planning waters. We got all oars rowing in the same directions through our all board read, Row the Boat, and then covered all bases through our comprehensive strategic planning process chaired by Jody Wagner with David Kaplan.
Together side by side, with your home field advantage of the knowledge of our community members and my experience as a front-line developer and team manager, we stuck together through building a great TEAM where Together Everyone Achieves More. We have worked diligently on building our bench strength of leadership through Board development and committee leadership succession planning.
You have joined me in sticking with our game plan through the strategy road map and have tackled many of the Year 1 key initiatives. I couldn’t think of a better team captain to assist us in knocking year 1 of the Strategic Plan out of the park. And hands down, look forward to continue to work together with you as Past Chair and Incoming Chair of the Ohef Sholom Foundation. Our work together will continue as you quarterback that Foundation into continued success.
Cheers to Charlie.