Open A Donor Advised Fund

A flexible way to donate to your favorite organizations and charities

You can support many charities throughout the year by utilizing Tidewater Jewish Foundation to facilitate multiple gifts. A Donor-Advised Fund can provide some of the advantages of a private foundation while eliminating on-going legal and accounting costs, as well as excise taxes on investment income.


For a limited time, when establishing a new DAF through TJF with at least $7,500, TJF will match the gift with an additional $2,500 for a total fund balance of $10,000 or more.

Your Gift:

  • May be established with cash, securities, real estate, partnerships (LLP), Limited Liability Corporations, or other small business interests

  • Can be created with a minimum gift of $5,000

  • Allows you to recommend grants to organizations

  • Provides an immediate tax deduction

  • Enables continuity through generations of your family

  • Is less burdensome than operating a private foundation


B'nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy Program

The Tidewater Jewish Foundation has a program just for teens! The B'nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy Program encourages teens to become involved in tzedakah by establishing a fund for Jewish charitable giving. Opening a B'nai Tzedek fund gives your teen a chance to play a part in improving your community and the world. So how does this work? Click the link below to learn more!

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