Stein Family Scholarship

An annual grant for Hampton Roads Jewish students, providing support for college tuition expenses.

Please note, starting in 2025, the Stein Family College Scholarship will provide up to $15,000/year per student, renewable for up to four (4) years, for a maximum award of up to $60,000.


  • 2009—2023 Donor Impact Report

    Click the link above to access the 2009—2023 Stein Family College Scholarship Donor Impact Report and see the difference this scholarship has made since its' inception.

About the Stein Family Scholarship


Arlene Shea Stein lived her life for everyone else. She represented the true meaning of altruism, possessed unconditional love and had the fortitude to show forgiveness. Next to her children and grandchildren Arlene's compassion and deep sense of Tikkum Olam is her greatest legacy. Her children Steven, Lisa, Craig and Debbie and grandchildren Melanie, Ariel, Samantha, Lauren, Matthew, Madison, Seth, and Shea, had a special relationship and personal bond with their mother and grandmother. Arlene was their mentor, their friend and passed along her passion for making the world a better place.


Every one of Arlene's children and grandchildren live each day honoring her memory of good deeds and a giant heart. In that spirit, the children and grandchildren of Arlene Shea Stein have set up a special fund in her honor. Never completing college because of financial hardship always tugged at Arlene. She possessed a deep love for learning. The Arlene Shea Stein College Scholarship Fund has been set up to express Arlene's belief that higher education should be accessible to all.



Scholarship Applications are Accepted December 1 — March 1


This is a need-based scholarship. Starting in 2025, the maximum award amount is $15,000 per year for award winners, renewable up to four (4) years, for a maximum award of $60,000. Award checks are paid directly to the educational institution each semester. Recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA and be in good standing with their university, with no disciplinary actions pending. A renewal application and transcripts are required each subsequent year.


Scholorship Requirements

To qualify for this scholorship, applicants must:

  • Be Jewish and current residents of Hampton Roads (Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Siffolk, Isle of Wight Country, Hampton, Newport News, and the Peninsula).
  • Be high school graduates entering a degree-granting institution within the United States for the first time as a full-time, degree-seeking student. The institution must participate in the Federal Student Aid Program (Title IV).
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Demonstrate academic ability, concern for school, the Jewish community, and general communities through extracurricular activities and volunteer service. Applicants are encouraged to note any unusual circumstances that would make the candidate more worthy of consideration.
  • Demonstrate substantiated financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • FAFSA Requirement: To determine need, all students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at so that the Student Aid Index (SAI) may be determined. When applying for this scholarship, applicants must provide a copy of the FAFSA Submission Summary, which should include the SAI. The SAI replaces the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) beginning with the 2024–2025 school year. Students are encouraged to complete the application as soon as possible; federal funds are limited and distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Click here to learn more about FAFSA.

Stein Family Scholorship Recipients


2023 Stein Family Scholorship Recipient: John Weber Williamson







John Weber Williamson is the latest student to receive the very generous Stein Family College Scholarship. John, a senior at Great Bridge High School, will attend Old Dominion University, majoring in Psychology with a focus on cognitive and clinical psychology. His career pursuit is to focus on early diagnosis and early intervention for children with special needs. John was recently inducted into the National Honor Society and is an active volunteer at Temple and Hebrew school, as well as environmental causes like clean the bay days, community health initiatives and blood drives. John was recently selected by ODU to join the Living-Learning Community, which will allow him to live and engage with other students with similar academic and professional interests, while helping students manage college transition, academic focus, and social-emotional wellness. The Stein Family and the Scholarship Committee look forward to seeing the wonderful things John will accomplish in the future!

Previous Recipients

  • Leia Morrissey, 2022 Recipient

  • Danial Watts, 2021 Recipient

  • Emily Myers, 2020 Recipient

  • Faith White, 2019 Recipient

  • Lucie Waldman, 2018 Recipient

  • Sydney Levine, 2017 Recipient

  • Brett Pomerantz, 2016 Recipient

  • Dana Cohen, 2015 Recipient

  • Amanda Gladstone, 2014 Recipient

  • Dinar Yusufov, 2013 Recipient

  • Avi Malkin, 2012

  • Marissa Aragar, 2011 Recipient

  • Eric Smith, 2010 Recipient

  • Morgan Conley, 2009 Recipient

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