News Corner

Barbara Dudley’s story of love, loss, and a path to legacy

As featured in the April 18, 2024 Edition of Jewish News

“I found her under a rock!” This tongue-in-cheek remark by the late Noel Dudley about his first encounter with his wife, Barbara, set the foundation for a lifelong partnership filled with love, laughter, and an enduring l…

Passover in Australia

Reflections by Naomi Limor Sedek
As seen in the April 8, 2024 edition of Jewish News

The beauty of the Passover Seder is that the retelling is codified.  The Haggadoth codifies our shared journey from slavery to freedom, the people and their unique experiences sharing space around the tab…

4 FAQs to Help YOU Establish An Endowment

Many community-minded individuals have served on the boards of directors of non-profit organizations in our region. If you’ve served on a non-profit board (or several!), you are undoubtedly familiar with the concept of an endowment. Many organizations in our Jewish community and greater Ha…

The Glasser Family: Living Legacy

As featured in the April 8, 2024 Edition of Jewish News

Rose Frances Glasser was a living legacy. Her work within the Hampton Roads and global Jewish community exemplified her commitment to its continuity, from being one of the founding board members of the JCC's Newport Avenue campus in No…

Grow Your Philanthropy Through Recurring Giving To Your Donor-Advised Fund

Developing a practice of regular contributions to your donor-advised fund at Tidewater Jewish Foundation not only allows you to systematically build a philanthropic nest egg for your annual giving to favorite charities, but also paves the way for your future legacy bequests. Whether your cad…