News Corner

One of my grown-up Hanukkah wishes came true in Norfolk

This article was featured in the Opinion section of the December 17, 2024 edition of the Virginian-Pilot & Daily Press

By Naomi Limor Sedek

As Hanukkah's lights fade, I reflect on a wish I didn't know I had — a wish for hope and unity in my community. This year, as we lit our menorahs …

FOR ADVISORS - By the numbers: What’s around the corner in 2024

As 2023 makes way for 2024, you’re no doubt inundated with information about the various IRS thresholds that are subject to adjustment. But have you thought about how each of these thresholds might be connected with your clients’ charitable giving? Here are a few pointers to keep handy a…

FOR ADVISORS: Philanthropy keeps your clients sticky

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Safeguarding the Future of Our Jewish Community

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