News Corner

Simon Family Passport to Israel: Nathan Prince soaks in Israel experience

The Israel trip was an experience of a lifetime! A couple of reasons why I chose to be a part of the Journey 5 trip to Israel was to make new connections and experience historical and culturally important areas in my homeland. Growing up Jewish was not an easy one. In some places in America,…

Simon Family Passport: Ethan Prince has life-changing experience in Israel

On July 12th, I hopped on a nine-and-a-half-hour plane ride with two of my best friends and 41 other teens to visit the land of Israel for 22 days. I always knew that visiting Israel would shift my perspective on being Jewish, but being able to experience that change with 43 other…

TJF Community Impact Grant helps Toras Chaim renovate auditorium

In March 2021, the Tidewater Jewish Foundation awarded a $7,500 Community Impact Grant to Toras Chaim to renovate their auditorium. Serving the Tidewater Jewish community for almost 20 years, Toras Chaim has undergone an extensive school beautification project. Renovations have included…

I’ve pledged support for the Jewish future. Here’s why.

As we begin to emerge from the upheaval of this past year, many of us are reflecting on our goals and values. For me, it’s the importance of participating in the Jewish community and supporting Jewish causes. I was raised in the tight-knit community of Beachwood, Ohio, where my school was…

How an IRA Charitable Rollover gift can reduce taxes

Are you 70 ½ or older and looking to make a lasting impact on Tidewater’s Jewish community? If you have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), making an IRA Charitable Rollover with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation might be worth considering. By tapping into this asset, individuals will b…