News Corner

TJF is here to care for the needs of the Jewish community

It has been just over four months since I moved to the Tidewater area. I have been embraced by the community and greatly appreciate the warm welcome I have received. It is a privilege and honor to work with you and all of our local affiliates as we strive to strengthen the Tidewater Jewish…

Community project feeds frontline healthcare workers— one meal at a time

When the COVID-19 pandemic started breaking out across the United States, Pam Blais began receiving a slew of phone calls. A former 18-year-emergency department registered nurse, Blais had countless friends and co-workers that were suddenly thrust to the frontlines during the biggest global…

A conversation about giving, philanthropy, and life with Matthew Weinstein

Matthew Weinstein has led a fulfilled (and busy) life. He managed to find success and make an impact through his work, community service, and commitment to family. Not one to let retirement slow him down too much, Weinstein is putting his years of experience in corporate healthcare to good…

Happy Thanksgiving from the Tidewater Jewish Foundation!

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support, generosity, and leadership this year. It is no understatement to say that this year has brought unprecedented challenges for both the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and the greater Tidewater Jewish community.

Giving opportunities for you and your family during COVID-19

2020 has been a tumultuous year, to say the least. As you and your advisors sit down to discuss year-end tax and charitable planning, there are several additional factors this year that can influence key decisions. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact virtually all aspects of the…